Who We Are

Prof. Pamela Abbot

Professor Pamela Abbot is a long-term Research Associate at IPAR-Rwanda. She is currently a professor in the School of Education at the University of Aberdeen and Director of the Centre for Global Development. She also a member of the Centre for Civil Society and the Rule of Law and the New Europe Centre.

He main research interests are in gender, wellbeing, quality of life and social quality, and social, economic and political transformations. She has carried out research in the UK, the European Union, the former Soviet Union, East Africa and the Middle East and North Africa. Prof. Pamela is an author (with Claire Wallace and Melissa Taylor) of the best selling text An Introduction to Sociology : Feminist Perspectives (3rd edition 2005), Routledge. Her most recent books are (with Andrea Teti, Valeria Talbot and Paolo Maggiolini) Democratisation against Democracy : How the EU Fails the Middle East. Palgrave Macmillian, published in January 2020 and ; (with Andrea Teti and Francesco Cavatorta) The Arab Uprisings in Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia : Social, Economic and Political Transformations in the Arab World. Palgrave Macmillian, published in January 2018. She has published more than 50 articles in peer review journals. Her work has been published in English, French, Italian, Swedish, Polish, Korean and Chinese.

She is directing the Fostering a Social Practice Approach to Adult Literacies for Improving People’s Quality of Life in Western Rwanda, a project funded under the Scottish Government’s Scotland Rwanda Programme (£1.2m, 2017-22) and is implemented by IPAR-Rwanda. She is a co-investigator on a project funded by the International Development Research Centre, Canada " Providing Timely Evidence to Facilitate the Socio-Economic Recovery from the Covid-19 Pandemic in Rwanda (2020-2023)" run by IPAR-Rwanda ; on a UK R&I funded project on federalism in the Horn of Africa (2020-2023) ; and on an AHRC funded project Toward the Development of Post Covid-19 Gender Policy Measures to End Modern Slavery and Exploitation in the Bangladeshi Garment Sector.