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IPAR Newsletter for February-March 2024

The Institute of Policy Analysis and Research of Rwanda, is once again pleased to share its updates as gesture of recognition to your continued loyalty to its activities and news.
Particularly, this edition highlights the successful and colorful Research Conference held on 27th March 20204 in Kigali. I take this opportunity to express my appreciation to those who contributed in one way or another including, The International Development Research Center (IRDCR)IAPR staff, participants who dedicated their time to attend the conference and provided constructive insights. I am very optimistic that different stakeholders who took part in the conference shall leverage the deliberations of the conference as building blocks to alleviate the burden of unpaid care work in Rwanda, especially for women and girls who endure the heaviest proportion as revealed Research papers presented and panel discussions of different experts in the Conference.
IPAR-Rwanda remains committed to work with different stakeholders including Government, Development Partners, Civil Society and the Private Sector to continually provide evidence to policy design, implementation and evaluation that impacts lives of all Rwandan citizens.

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