Board of Directors

Ms. UWAMARIYA Josephine

Josephine is Rwandan with a wide experience in strategic leadership, program development, policy analysis and promoting rights. She has served in various senior leadership positions in various organizations in Africa in Social and Economic Development sector. Josephine has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) of....

Date: Jun 28, 2022

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Ms. KAYITESI Eugenia

Ms. KAYITESI Eugenia is the Executive Director of IPAR-Rwanda and serves as the Secretary to its BoD. She is an Honors Graduate of Social Sciences from Makerere University, Uganda with an MBA from Maastricht School of Management (MsM) in The Netherlands. She is pursuing her PhD degree in Business Administration, specializing in....

Date: Dec 5, 2018

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Mr. SEMINEGA Augustus

Mr. Augustus Seminega holds a Bachelor of science degree in Economics and Statistics from Makerere University, Uganda ; a Post Graduate Diploma in purchasing Management and a Technical Certificate. He is a former Director General of Rwanda Public Procurement Authority, RPPA (2006-2020). Before that, he had served under different....

Date: Dec 4, 2018

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